| Copyright: copyright (C) 2006 by Markus Donhauser |
| License: GPL |
| Version: 0.5 beta 2 |
| |
** A class to search text in pdf documents.
** Not pretending to be useful other than that.
** But it can easily be extended to a full featured pdf document
** parser by anyone who chooses so.
** Author: Rene Kluwen / Chimit Software
** License: Public Domain
** Warranty: None
// MOS Intruder Alerts
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
class pdf {
var $_buffer;
var $_filename;
// Constructor. Takes the pdf document as only parameter
function pdf($file) {
$this->_filename = $file;
if (file_exists($this->_filename)) {
$fp = fopen($this->_filename, "r");
$content = fread($fp,filesize($this->_filename));
$this->_buffer = $content;
} else echo "Error: File not found!";
// This function returns the next line from the document.
// If a stream follows, it is deflated into readable text.
function nextline() {
$pos = strpos($this->_buffer, "\r");
if ($pos===false) return false;
$line = substr($this->_buffer,0,$pos);
$this->_buffer = substr($this->_buffer,$pos+1);
if (preg_match("/stream/", $line)) {
echo "stream found and counted for ...";
$endpos = strpos($this->_buffer,"endstream");
$stream = substr($this->_buffer,1,$endpos-1);
$stream = @gzuncompress($stream);
$this->_buffer = $stream.substr($this->_buffer,$endpos+9);
return $line;
// This function returns the next line in the document that is printable text.
// We need it so we can search in just that portion.
function textline() {
$line = $this->nextline();
if ($line===false) return false;
if (preg_match("/[^\\\\]\\((.+)[^\\\\]\\)/",$line,$match)) {
$line = preg_replace("/\\\\(\d+)/e", "chr(0\\1);",$match[1]);
return stripslashes($line);
function pdf2text() {
$filecontent = ''; // String datatype container for the found text...
// the file has the extension '.pdf' and needs to be 'txt'...
$filename = ereg_replace("(.*)\.([^\.]*)$", "\\1",$this->_filename).".txt";
while (($line=$this->nextline())!==false) $filecontent .= $line."\n";
if ($fp = fopen("$filename","w+")) {
return true;
return false;
// This function returns true or false, indicating whether the document contains
// the text that is passed in $str.
function textfound($str) {
while (($line=$this->textline())!==false) if (stristr($line,$str)!==FALSE) return true;
return false;